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Winchester Poetry Festival and University of Winchester renew agreement to spread the word about the power of poetry.

Vice-Chancellor Professor Sarah Greer and WPF chair Jane Bryant signing the new partnership

Poetry has the power to lift the soul but it can also provide practical experience as proven by our successful partnership with the University of Winchester.

In 2018 the University and the festival signed a five-year partnership aimed at strengthening the cultural life of the city and encouraging more participation from young people. 

This new three-year agreement will enable more collaborative work between both organisations and provides free entry to Winchester Poetry Prize for students, volunteering opportunities and special access behind the scenes at some Festival events. 

The agreement was signed in the appropriately named Shakespeare Room at the University’s West Downs Campus on Monday 15th July

Vice-Chancellor of the University, Professor Sarah Greer, said: “We are delighted to be celebrating the work that the Winchester Poetry Festival does in the region with young poets, schools and community groups... The University and the festival share a fundamental belief in the power of poetry to bring people together and to make a difference.” 

Professor Greer said she was looking forward to the positive impacts the partnership would have on the lives of students.  

Jane Bryant, Festival Chair, welcomed the partnership renewal which both sides had entered into with "joy and enthusiasm". 

She said: "We very much value our new partnership with the University of Winchester. The creative writing course is thriving at the University of Winchester and it is fabulous to have the opportunity to link in this way with its students. We are particularly enthusiastic about encouraging all students to engage with poetry and to experience the brilliant and innovative curation of our Artistic Director, Clare Pollard, building their own expertise in writing poetry, but also in the sheer enjoyment of poetry in all its forms.” 

WPF Trustees and University of Winchester associates

Read the full article from University of Winchester here.

  • The next full-scale poetry festival takes place in 2025 but there will be a one-day poetry festival at The ARC, Winchester on Saturday 5 October, two days after National Poetry Day. Visit Winchester Poetry Festival for more details.  

  • The University of Winchester plays a significant role in the cultural life of the city through partnerships with the Theatre Royal, Blue Apple Theatre, Winchester Film Festival and the Winchester Books Festival.

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